
Curriculum Vitae of Yin Xiaoping

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-29Click:101



Xiao pingYin is an Associate Professor, a graduatestudentmentor at the Faculty of Humanities and Laws, South ChinaAgricultural University. She has held a visiting position at Arizona State University in 2016-2017, amembership of China Society for Maritime History Studies (CSMHS). She has also received awards such as School Talents of“Thousand-Hundred-Ten Program” ofGuangdong Province (2012), and “Young EliteScholar Program”of South China Agricultural University (2012-2015).

    • Education& Academic Experience

BA(History),SunYat-sen University, 2001.

MA(History),Sun Yat-sen University, 2004.

PH.D(History), SunYat-sen University, 2007.

LECTURER,South China Agricultural University, 2007-2016


VisitingScholar at Arizona State University, fromAugust2016 to August2017

    • ResearchInterests

Historyof Sino-WesternRelationsHistoryof Christianityin Central Asia and ChinaHistoryof Southeast Asiaparticularly,the Maritime HistoryStudiesWesternArt History

    • TeachingCourses

AncientWorld History

MedievalWorld History

TheHistoryand Culture ofSoutheastAsia


    • Publications

    • Books

YuandaiYelikewen Kaoshu元代也里可温考述(Studyon Yelikewen in the Yuan Dynasty), Lanzhou University Press, 2012.

Guangzhouyu Yazhou广州与亚洲(Guangzhoubetween Asia)cooperatedwith Yinghe Jiang, Wang YuanyuanGuangzhouPress2010.

HuananNongye Daxue Bainian Tushi: 1909-2009华南农业大学百年图史:1909—2009(GraphicHistory of South China Agricultural University in the Past HundredYears: 1909-2009),one of the associate editors, GuangdongPeoplePress,2009.

    • Papers

1.“From Nestorianism to Confucianism: the conversion of the Ongut MaFamily”, in (Lin Zhongze ed.) theAncient Chinese Civilization and the West World,Hong Kong: the Mastermind Publishing House, 2003, pp. 95-110.(《马氏汪古由景入儒的转变历程》,《华夏文明与西方世界》,香港博士苑出版社,2003)

2.“On the Sinicization of the Ongut Ma Family: Debate on TheirSurname Origin”, Huaxue,vol. 7, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2004, pp. 234-241.(《从姓氏看马氏汪古的华化》,载饶宗颐主编《华学》第七辑,广州,中山大学出版社,2004

3.The Emergence of Nestorians in Yangtze River District during the YuanDynasty according to the Description of Daxingguo SiJournalof Chinese Literature and History2006(4),pp. 289-313. (《从〈大兴国寺记〉看元代江南景教的兴起》,《中华文史论丛》2006年第4)

4.“Notes on Daqin Nestorian Sutra on the Origin (Xuanyuan ZhibenJing, 大秦景教宣元至本经)the Stone PillarStudiesof the Luoyang Nestorian Stone Pillar of the Tang Dynasty I”,cooperate with Lin Wushu, in Journalof Chinese Literature and History,2008(1), pp. 325-352.(《经幢版〈大秦景教宣元至本经〉考释——唐代洛阳景教经幢研究之一》(第二作者),《中华文史论丛》2008年第1)

5.“Notes on the inscription: Studies of the Luoyang Nestorian StonePillar of the Tang Dynasty II”, (cooperate with Lin Wushu) Journalof Chinese Literature and History,2008 (2), pp. 269-292.(《幢记若干问题考释——唐代洛阳景教经幢研究之二》,《中华文史论丛》2008年第2)
6.“Onthe Christians in Jiangnan during the Yüan Dynasty According to “theGazetteer of Zhenjiang of the Zhishun Period”1329-1332”, DietmarW. Winkler, Li Tang (Eds.),
HiddenTreasures and Intercultural Encounters, Studies on East SyriacChristianity in China and Central Asia,orientalia-patristica-oecumenica vol. 1, 2009, pp. 305-319.

7.“On Interpretations of Jingseng(the Nestorian Monks) in the Tang Dynasty”, Wenshi,2009 (1), pp. 181-204. (《唐代“景僧”释义》,《文史》2009年第1)

8.“On the interpretations of ‘Yelikewen” in the Yuan Dynastyaccording to the Chinese Contexts”, in Yu Taishan & Li Jinxiu(eds.), EurasianStudies, vol.9,Beijing: Zhonghuashuju, 2009, pp. 66-80.(《元代典籍中“也里可温”涵义试释》,刊余太山、李锦绣主编《欧亚学刊》第9辑,2009)

9.“The Family of Marsarchis and Huihui Medical Culture in the YuanDynasty”, WesternRegions Studies, 2011(3), pp. 39-44. (《元代马薛里吉思家族与回回医药文化》,《西域研究》2011年第3)

10.“On Chen Yuan and his studies of Christianity of the Yuan Dynasty”,in Zhang Rongfang & Dai Zhiguo (eds.), ChenYuan and Lingnan, Conference Proceedings of the Chen Yuan’s 130thBirthday of Commemoration,China Sociology Press, 2011, pp. 109-126.(《再谈陈垣先生与元代基督教史研究》,张荣芳、戴治国主编《陈垣与岭南——纪念陈垣先生诞生130周学术研讨会论文集》,中国社会科学出版社,2011)

11.“Notes on the Record concerning Mingjiao from YijianZhi”, (cooperatewith Lin Wushu), Jounrnalof Chinese Literature and History,2012(2), pp. 255-283. (《〈夷坚志〉明教纪事史料价值辨释》,《中华文史论丛》2012年第2)

12.“TheDistribution of Nestorians in the Yuan Dynasty”SiciZhilu丝瓷之路(TheSilk and Porcelain Roads), vol. 2, Beijing: Commerce Press, 2012.(《元代也里可温历史分布考》,《丝瓷之路II》,商务印书馆,2012)

13.“OnPractical Wisdom of History Education”, Journalof Hanshan Normal College,2013 (2), pp. 79-82. (《历史教育与实践智慧》,《韩山师范学院学报》2013年第2)

14.“Onthe Relations between the Nestorians of Tang and Yuan Dynasties”,The Western RegionsStudies, 2013(2),pp.51-59. (《唐元景教关系考述》,《西域研究》2013年第2)

15.“Reviewson the Fourth International Conference of Jingjiao: the Church ofEast in China and Central Asia”, The WesternRegions Studies,2013(3). (《第四届萨尔兹堡国际景教会议综述》,《西域研究》2013年第3)

16.“FromIndia to the Southeast Asia: the Transplantation and Introduction ofPepper in Medieval China”, AgriculturalArcheology, 2013 (4),pp.220-223.(《从印度到东南亚——中古时期胡椒的种植与传入》,《农业考古》2013年第4期)

17.Additional Remarks on the Director of Chongfu Si Aixue, the WesternRegions Studies, 2014(3), pp. 1-9. (《元代崇福使爱薛史事补说》,《西域研究》2014年第3)

18.“Luoyang Jingjiao jingchuang zai kaocha” 洛阳景教经幢图像再考察,(cooperate with Zhang Zhan), JinanShixue暨南史学,vol.12,Press of Guangxi Normal Universtiy, 2016.
19.“Cong Sanfoqi xingshuai kan zhonggu nanhai maoyi geju bianhua”
从三佛齐兴衰看中古南海贸易格局变化(Thetransformation of Southern Seas in medieval times),Jiang Yinghe ed.,Guangzhouyu Haiyang Wenming广州与海洋文明,vol 2, Zhongxi shuju中西书局,2018.

  • Translations

1.A Persian Stronghold of ZoroastrianismbyMaryBoyce,(thesecond translator, cooperate with Zhang Xiaogui张小贵),Beijing: Zhonghuashuju, 2005.

2.The History of Medieval Life,by David Nicolle, (cooperate with Zhang Xiaogui 张小贵&Zeng Lingling曾玲玲),Shijiazhuang:HopePress(希望出版社),2007.

  • Bookreviews

1.“Reviewof the Conference of the History between China and the South Sea”,Maritime History Studies, 2001 (2), pp. 127-131.

2.“Bookreview: The Realm of Academic, by Cai Hongsheng, Hong Kong, 2000”,(cooperate with Zeng Lingling), in Academic Studies,2001(2),pp.126-128.

3.“BookReview: Debate and Research on the Three Persian Religions:Manichaeism, Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism in Mediaeval Times, byLin Wushu, Beijing: Zhonghuashuju, 2005”ShuPin (书品),20056),Beijing:Zhonghuashuju, 2005(6), pp. 49-56.

4.“Bookreview:Jingjiaoand the Nestorian Stele,by Lu Yuan(2009)”,inArchaeologyand Cultural Relics (考古与文物),2010 (4).