
Forensic Science and Technology Laboratory

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:158


Forensicscience (also known as criminal technology or material evidencetechnology in China) is the product of the combination of law andnatural science. People rely on various techniques of forensicscience to appraise the samples of the case and provide the courtwith material evidence reflecting the true situation of the case.Forensic science is a method of technical science that conforms tothe requirements of justice and serves justice. Our instituteestablished a laboratory in 2005. After nearly ten years ofdevelopment, the investment in funds has increased year by year, theexperimental methods have been continuously reformed, theexperimental content has become increasingly rich, and the teachingeffect has gradually reflected. It has been expanded to build aforensic science and technology laboratory, which mainly undertakesexperimental courses for undergraduate law students, such as"criminal investigation" and "forensic medicine"and other experimental teaching. In addition, it is also open tostudents of illegal science through public elective courses andPractical training courses enable students of illegal studies toenter the laboratory, strengthen legal awareness, and conduct lawpopularization education. In the extracurricular practice, thelaboratory has also become a place for students to organizeactivities. Through the extraction and testing of evidence fromsimulated cases in the activities, students strengthen theirunderstanding of knowledge and improve their own operational skills.With the support of the school and college leaders, the laboratorycarried out external exchanges and cooperation, that is, the staff ofthe practical department came to the laboratory to exchange guidance,give lectures to students, and also trained the professionalknowledge of the staff of the practical department. . Forensicscience laboratories are playing an increasingly important role inthe legal experimental practice courses.

Thelaboratory is open to undergraduates majoring in law and studentsthroughout the school. Among them, law undergraduates are about 250students per academic year, public elective courses are about 600students per academic year, and practical training students are about800 students per academic year. A total of 1,650 students aretargeted for each academic year.

Thelaboratory has built an advanced experimental teaching environmentfor instruments and equipment. The area, space and layout of thelaboratory are scientific and reasonable, and intelligent. Thelaboratory design, facilities and environment embody people-oriented,safety and environmental protection strictly implement nationalstandards, and have complete emergency facilities and measures. Thelaboratory is equipped with domestic and foreign technologicallyadvanced equipment and systems to meet the growing needs ofexperimental teaching. Up to now, the center has established aforensic science and technology laboratory, with a total value of159224 yuan in equipment and equipment, 31 sets of teachingequipment, and equipped with excellent teaching equipment andcomplete high-level teaching software. In 2019, applied to the SouthChina Agricultural University high-level university constructionspecial fund "first-class" construction project "LawVirtual Simulation Laboratory Infrastructure", the introductionof "criminal investigation three-dimensional virtualexperiment", the teaching content added virtual simulationexperiment. Forensic science and technology laboratories can nowconduct offline and online teaching.

Allexperiments have a complete experimental outline and experimentalinstructions, have clear requirements and evaluation standards, andhave practical laboratory management systems and management methods,including: "Laboratory Work Regulations", "LaboratoryInstruments and Equipment Management Methods" , "StudentExperiment Code", "Laboratory Safety Regulations",etc.