
Chinese Liyue Culture Laboratory

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:170


The"Chinese Liyue Culture Laboratory" of the Department ofPhilosophy was discussed and declared in June 2016, and the projectwas established and planned for the end of 2016. In March 2017, thelaboratory was initially built, relevant experimental equipment waspurchased, and related experimental courses and series of lectureswere successively carried out. At present, in the practical coursesection of the philosophy undergraduate training program after level17 of the philosophy department, courses of "Chinese traditionalmartial arts", "Chinese traditional music" and"Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy" are set up,totaling 6 credits.

The establishment of this laboratory aims at presenting the theories intraditional Chinese philosophy in an emotional, practical, andrealistic way, so that students can experience the essentialattributes of the unity of knowledge and action in the recognition ofChinese culture from the level of experience and practice. And learnmore deeply to master the theory of professional knowledge. Since itsestablishment, the Chinese Ritual and Music Laboratory has mainlycarried out experimental teaching from the following three aspects:

1.Launch practical courses related to ritual music culture

Afterthe completion of the laboratory, five teachers in the province whoare proficient in traditional ritual music culture have been invitedto carry out lecture courses on ritual music culture for teachers andstudents of the philosophy department, so that students canexperience the core spirit and charm of Chinese culture on site. Thelaboratory has carried out Taijiquan courses, Guqin, Erhu courses andChinese painting courses.

Thepicture shows Mr. Ao Xiaobai instructing students of the philosophydepartment in the Chinese Ritual Culture Laboratory

Thepicture shows a group photo of teachers and students of the firstChinese painting class in the philosophy department

Thepicture shows the teacher Li Hanhui explaining erhu knowledge andon-site guidance for teachers and students of the philosophydepartment

Thepicture shows the teacher Xiao Kun led the philosophy students topractice Taijiquan

Thepicture shows teacher Liu Yonggang teaching Guqin knowledge andteaching students to perform in the Chinese Ritual Culture Laboratory

2.Connect with the society, let the theory connect with reality, leadthe reality, and practice the value orientation of the unity ofknowledge and action of Chinese culture

Atthe end of 2018, the Department of Philosophy and Shanshui BideDesign Company signed an agreement on the internship base of theCollege of Humanities. Students of the philosophy department can goto Shanshui Bide Company for an internship to learn how to apply thetraditional Chinese culture they have learned to architecturallandscape design, and strengthen the ability to apply theory andpractice. At the same time, let the philosophy department teachersparticipate in the specific design projects of Shanshui Bide Company,help the company to summarize, enhance and improve the culturalconcept of the project, let the theory better guide the practice, andalso let the teachers deepen the awareness and ability of the theoryto connect reality .

Picturewhy Vice President Fang Yao signed a group photo with Chairman Sun Hu

3.Encourage students to make modern transformations of traditionalritual music classic texts

Whenteachers take courses such as "Book of Songs", students areallowed to try to rewrite the words of the poems in "Book ofSongs" and make modern adaptations, so that the classic spiritcan be integrated into modern society and life, so that students canbe better nourished by the classic spirit Eventually enhance thepersonality of students.