
Research Center for Religious and Cultural Exchanges, South China Agricultural University

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:58


TheGraduate Center for Religious and Cultural Exchanges of South ChinaAgricultural University was established in 2009. The director of thecenter is Professor He Fangyao. The center currently has 5 fullprofessors, 7 associate professors, and 10 lecturers. It has formed arelatively reasonable echelon of research, which covers the fields ofhistory, philosophy, ethnicity, religion, Chinese, folklore, etc.,and constitutes a discipline structure that is both self-containedand professionally complementary. Since the establishment of thecenter, it has held four international and domestic academicseminars, won five national social science projects, six provincialand ministerial research projects, published more than forty papers,and five academic works; in teaching, it has opened the worldreligion , Life and Death Studies (an elective course for the wholeschool), Lectures on Chinese Religions, General Theory of ChineseReligion, History of World Civilization, History of Western Art,History of Western History, Introduction to Religious Studies, andLife Wisdom in Moral Scripture, etc. Praise. Since the establishmentof the center, a charity "life and soul consultation center"was jointly organized with the Guangdong Provincial Bureau ofReligion and the Guangdong Provincial Buddhist Association. It hasprovided free consultation to thousands of people for more than tenyears and has received good results and praise from the society.