
Intellectual Property Center of South China Agricultural University

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:72


TheSouth China Agricultural University Intellectual Property Center is acomprehensive platform that integrates intellectual propertymanagement, training, research and consulting. The center takesintellectual property as the core, analyzes the current intellectualproperty hotspots in the society, provides professional consultingand other services on intellectual property, and strives to establisha model of intellectual property management, creation, protection andapplication in Guangdong universities and scientific researchinstitutions.

TheSouth China Agricultural University Intellectual Property Centerrelies on the South China Agricultural University IntellectualProperty Research Center established in April 2016. On the morning ofApril 26, 2016, the founding meeting of the Intellectual PropertyResearch Center of South China Agricultural University was held inthe 115th lecture hall of the School of Humanities and Law, SouthChina Agricultural University. The unveiling ceremony was presidedover by Liu Hongbin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Schoolof Humanities and Law, South China Agricultural University.

Onthe morning of November 23, 2018, the founding ceremony of the"Guangdong Modern Agricultural Intellectual Property Researchand Development Center" and "South China AgriculturalUniversity Intellectual Property Information Service Center" andthe seminar on intellectual property assistance in agriculturalscience and technology innovation were held in the lecture hall onthe third floor of South China Agricultural University. Held. XianChunlong, Vice President of South China Agricultural University andHe Jufeng, Deputy Director of Guangdong Province Market SupervisionAdministration (Intellectual Property Office) attended the event anddelivered speeches.

AfterVice President Xian Chunlong and Deputy Director He Jufeng of theProvincial Intellectual Property Office successively deliveredspeeches, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Administration(Intellectual Property Office) and representatives of South ChinaAgricultural University signed a cooperation agreement on the spot.Subsequently, the opening ceremony of the Intellectual PropertyCenter of Ken South China Agricultural University, the GuangdongModern Agricultural Intellectual Property Research and DevelopmentCenter, was held on the spot, marking the formal establishment of thetwo centers.

Sinceentering the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the school hasmade many new attempts to promote the transformation of intellectualproperty achievements, and the number of patent applications andauthorizations has continuously ranked in the forefront ofuniversities in Guangdong Province.

Asinnovation-driven development strategies become the core strategy ofthe country and Guangdong Province, the intellectual property systemplays a very important role. The Intellectual Property Center ofSouth China Agricultural University established under this backgroundaims to take advantage of the school, form a research team, condensethe subject direction, integrate relevant resources, highlight theresearch characteristics of agricultural colleges and universities,and establish a respect for knowledge, science and intellectualproperty protection in the school. Awareness to create a legalenvironment that encourages knowledge innovation and protectsintellectual property rights. Provide intellectual property servicesfor the government, society and enterprises outside the school, makesuggestions for the "three rural" issues in GuangdongProvince, and play the Huanong brand.