
Rural Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center of South China Agricultural University

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:72


TheSouth China Rural Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center ofSouth China Agricultural University was established in June 2013. Thedirector of the center is Associate Professor Guan Xiying. The centeris based on the Chinese Department and integrates the researchstrength of humanities such as history, folklore, literature,anthropology, sociology, and arts. At the same time, it hires theChina Intangible Heritage Protection Expert Committee, Sun Yat-senUniversity and our school. 4 well-known scholars as consultants,conduct scientific research and social services in the direction ofrural cultural construction, intangible cultural heritage protection,etc., and provide useful human resources for the humanitieseducation, moral education, and general education of our school. Newfields of research and practice in agricultural services.