Representatives of teachers and students from the school of humanities and law wentto Heyuan for exchange and study
Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:155
In order to further implementation of Xi Jinping visited Guangdong important speech spirit, inherit the general secretary and carry forward the excellent literary tradition in contemporary China, December 28 to 29, 2018, upon proposal made by professor Fu Xiuhai,Liu Hongbin secretary, Yang Nailiang dean, Zheng Tingyi vice president and Zhong Jijun vice president vigorously support that,warmly welcomed by Heyuan library, College party committee deputy secretary Xiao Hua professor, deputy dean He fangyao, professor WangYing, professor Fu Xiuhai, professor Yang Pinyou, professor YangPinyou, tutor Lan Xueming teacher, Huang Ziqian teachers and graduatestudents, undergraduates more than 10 people in total visit themuseum and learn.
The college group visited Heyuan library
Under the auspices of deputy director Lai Jinfeng of Heyuan library, aseries activities were held under the co-construction of the base.First, the director of Heyuan city Luo Manxing comrade, briefly introduced the history and culture and the Heyuan city library characteristic brand, pointed out the practical significance of theconstruction of practice base, make sure the agreement has been signed and look forward to more broad space for cooperation in thefuture. He Fangyao, the vice President of our college, elaborated there sponsibility of university culture and art construction from theperspective of "culture, law, wisdom and understanding",saying that the university and the library have the realistic basisfor cooperation and shoulder the common historical and culturalmission, and the signing of this agreement will surely achieve a"win-win" situation. Then He Fangyao and the director ofHeyuan city Luo Manxing comrade on behalf of both parties, signed anagreement of teaching practice base, base and held a grand opening ceremony.
Comrade Luo Manxing, deputy director of Heyuan municipal bureau of culture,radio and television, made a speech
Laijinfeng, the Heyuan city library deputy director presided over themeeting
The opening ceremony
Signpractice teaching base agreement
Next, combining with everybody’s experience in the Heyuan library, thexiao Yin museum, the xiao Yin exhibition, director Luo Manxing,curator Lai and professor Fu Xiuhai , carry out the second part- aseminar on literary thought and practice of xiao Yin, everybody alldeeply missed Mr. Xiao Yin.
XiaoYin literature museum
Introduction to the graphic display board of xiao Yin literature museum
Ms.Tao Mengmeng took the floor
Professor ho fang-yiu made a speech
As the organizer of this activity, professor Fu xiuhai first brieflyintroduced Mr. Xiao Yin's life and his main deeds, and praised Mr.Xiao Yin's academic achievements and refined qualities. Professorwang ying briefly analyzed Mr. Xiao Yin's works from the perspective of theoretical research, and expressed her feelings based on theexperience of visiting xiao Yin literature museum. Ms. Tao mengmengShared the history of preserving Mr. Xiao Yin's relics and expressedher sincere gratitude to the Heyuan library for discovering itsvaluable value. Deputy curator Lai then Shared the feelings of Mr.Xiao Yin's collection work. Related staff members recall the story ofMr. Xiao Yin before collecting his data. The participants expressedtheir views and had in-depth exchanges. They all agreed that Mr. XiaoYin is a famous contemporary Chinese writer, critic and culturalwarrior. His noble character and outstanding achievements are worthyof our in-depth study. After the meeting, vice President He Fangyaoand professor Fu Xiuhai also received interviews from the localmedia.
Professor Wang Ying made a speech
Professor Fu Xiuhai made a speech
Deputy dean He Fangyao was interviewed by local media
FuXiuhai was interviewed by local media
The next day, under the leadership of zhang, director of Heyuan museum,the college team went to Heyuan museum, Heyuan dinosaur museum andXin Feng Jiang dam for in-depth cultural investigation, the thirdpart of the base construction activity. Heyuan city museum is anational secondary museum, from which we have a deep and systematic understanding of the city's history, culture and folk customs. The Heyuan museum is divided into two exhibition areas: "historicalculture" and "hakka culture". The first one shows thedevelopment of Heyuan from the neolithic age to thousands of yearsafter the establishment of the county in the Qin dynasty. Anotherexhibition area will fully exhibit the migration routes of hakkagroups, hakka dialects and customs, which will completely outline the development of hakka in Heyuan.
Thecollege delegation visited the Heyuan museum
Exhibitionhall of Heyuan city museum
The dinosaur egg fossil exhibition hall, dinosaur footprint fossilexhibition hall and dinosaur bone fossil exhibition hall in Heyuandinosaur museum vividly and comprehensively show the rich dinosaurfossil resources in this area. As the only area in China where alarge number of dinosaur egg fossils and dinosaur footprints havebeen unearthed, Heyuan city has made great efforts and investment inthe protection and popularization of resources.
Adelegation from our hospital visited Heyuan dinosaur museum
Workersexplain the fossil resources of dinosaur eggs unearthed in Heyuancity
Exhibitionof dinosaur bones
The college then went to the xinfengjiang dam tourist area to investigatethe formation of wanlu lake. The Xin Geng Jiang dam is the largesthydropower station in Guangdong province, and the green lake beneathit is clear and beautiful. To the west lies the prosperous Heyuanurban area, while to the east lies the vast green lake and the faintgreen mountains, which witness and promote the historical developmentof Heyuan.
Thecollege delegation visited the xinfengjiang dam
It is an important measure to effectively promote the talent trainingmechanism, and also a teaching and research innovation projectinitiated and promoted by our school for a long time. Through thejoint construction of the base, during a series of discussions andfield visits, the two sides had a full exchange of views on thefuture in-depth cooperation between the college and the locallibrary, the feasibility of personnel training and participating inthe local cultural construction, and formed a series of down-to-earthand structured consensus opinions. Lai also said that theco-construction, coinciding with the second anniversary of theconstruction of Heyuan library, is particularly significant.