
Professor Belliveau from Columbia University taught a class for undergraduate students of our university

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:117


In December 2018, members of the royal society of Canada, Peter Wallscholar, professor Belliveau and professor Susan from the universityof British Columbia school of education came to Guangzhou to teachdrama and drama in North America to students of the school ofhumanities and law. This is one of the activities of invitingoutstanding foreign teachers to give lectures under the high-leveluniversity construction project of our school's academic affairsoffice and international exchange office, which was warmly welcomedby the students.  

This course takes the form of a workshop, open to immersion throughcross-context exploration of literature, drama, and the arts. Inteaching, a variety of drama-based strategies, such as role playing,picture playing and imitation, are adopted to deepen drama in acreative way, mobilize cognition, kinesthesia and social emotion, andpromote the contact between drama and learners in the integration ofmultiple contexts and disciplines, so as to obtain a new learningexperience.


Through the layers of guiding foreign teacher, professor Yan linxu's help,students into the course, soon mastered the different Angle ofobservation, thinking object, from the facial expression, body to theemotional expression way of the language and characters, and thebasic methods of props, action, drama performance, gradually createda rich individual character of Deformationof the scarf,Thestory of water ,Mountainnightsandmany playlets,found and connect the beauty of the drama, the beauty of life



ProfessorBelliveau is a leading expert on Shakespeare's plays. He and teacherSusan impressed the students with their enthusiasm and led them toreview and recite a midsummer night's dream. They also rehearsed andperformed the famous drama in a group, in the form of reconstructionof SCAU Style.  


Duringtheir stay at the university, professor Belliveau and professor Susanvisited the history museum. They were delighted to see the photos ofthe cooperation and exchange between our school and the university ofBritish Columbia.


Thiscourse has been carefully guided and enthusiastically supported bythe leading teachers of the dean's office, the international exchangeoffice and the school of humanities and law, and the teaching planhas been completed with high quality. As a part of our school'sinternational teaching, the curriculum connects our school directlywith the world-class drama education, broadens our students'professional vision and enriches their knowledge structure. Studentssaid that such a new curriculum, creative teaching is very friendlyand shocking. At the end of the course, we were reluctant to part,hope to have such a learning opportunity again.