The 8th China rural model assembly was successfully held
Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:111
Onthe morning of 1 December 1, 2018, the opening ceremony of the 8thModel United Nation Conference of Ssouth China AagriculturalUuniversity model United Nations conference was held at the thirdfloor of the Jjeeves Sstudent Aactivity Ccenter. The opening ceremonywas attended by mMore than 120 delegates from universities andcolleges across the country attended the meeting. The openingceremony was also attended by xXu fang, instructor of the Mhumanities model United Nation Conference of College of Humanitiesand Laws, also participated, as well as the and representatives ofthe Iinnovation and Eentrepreneurship Llegal Sservice Ccenter, theMmoot Ccourt, and the staff from the Ccourt Aassistance Ccenter andthe Llegal Cclinic. under the law practice teaching center of theschool of humanities and law.
Generalsecretary Lliu Mmingen, the General Secretary, deliveringed a speech
Atthe opening ceremony, Mr. Liu Mmingen, Ssecretary-Ggeneral of theconference, extended cordial greetings to the delegates coming fromafar, hoping that the conference could provide them with a pleasantand unforgettable experience. ‘I also expressed my heartfelt thanksto the college leaders, teachers, fraternal organizations and staffwho supported this conference,.’ said he.
Academicdirector Gguo Jjia-yue, the Academic Director, deliveringed a speech
Atthe opening ceremonyMr. Guo Jiayue, the academic director, introducedthe academic preparations for the conference. ‘We would also liketo thank the academic team members from Ssun Yyat-Ssen Uuniversity,Beijing Nnormal Uuniversity, -Hhong Kkong Baptist Uuniversity,Ttianjin Uuniversity of Ttechnology, and Gguangzhou Bbusiness Sschoolfor their support.’
WangNeifeng, Chairman of 1906 algesilasthe former cconference chairmanwang naifeng speech
Mr.Wang Neifeng, At the opening ceremony, tthe former SsecretaryGgeneral of the United Nation Conference from the College ofHumanities and Law, south China agricultural university humanitymodel United Nations expressed his unique views on the historicalcommittee and historical research, and lamented the difficulty of thesuccessful holding of the conference, and expressed his sincereblessing for the future of CMUcmu.
1978- Aaddress by the chairman of the conference committee of the Arableague
Agroup photo of
aAllthe representatives
Afterthe opening ceremony, the instructor, the organizing committee, thepresidium and the representatives of the committees came to the FfiveBridges to take a group photo, leaving a precious memory for eachother.
Theinstructor, xuXu Ffang, the instructor, and the organizing committeeand study group
TheUnited Nations Ggeneral Aassembly on the Pprotection of the rights ofCchildren’s Rights in Aarmed Cconflict
Meetingof algesirasAlgeciras in 1906
1978the League of Arabia States
Hittingthe venue
Protectionof the rights of Cchildren’s Rights in Aarmed Cconflict
Onthe topic of how to more effectively protect the rights of children’srights in armed conflicts, the representatives of the partiessummarized the reasons for the unoptimistic living conditions ofchildren in current armed conflicts, and actively discussed effectivesolutions to the protection of human rights and the protection of therights of children and refugees in current armed conflicts.
Themeeting panoramic
Onbehalf of the speech
Meetingof algesirasAlgeciras in 1906
Thedelegates went back to the algesirasAlgeciras Cconference in 1906and, on behalf of their national interests, engaged in an offsitegame, to separatinge the Morocco team from the sphere of influenceof the France team. They made active discussions, put forwardproposals and plans, and made another historical choice on the fateof Morocco.
1978the League of Arabia States
Delegatesin CMFALA have remained negligible their utmost sincerities as thepeople of Allah and delivered their commitments to the territoriesand homelands. The Delegates have appealed to much advice to assisttTo win the holy war on this diplomatic area.
Thankyou for your careful preparation. I believe that in the next day'ssession, you will have a more wonderful performance. I hope you willleave a wonderful memory for us.