
Secretary Liu Hongbin led the team to attend the third seminar on traditional Chinese culture education in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater bayarea

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:125


The 3rd Seminar on Traditional Chinese Culture Education in theGuangdong, Hong Kkong, Macao and the Great greater Bbay Aarea washeld with in Wu Shunde Iinternational Aacademic Eexchange Ccenter on1 December 1, 2012. The conference was hosted by the Ddepartment ofHhistory of, Sun Yyat-sen Uuniversity (Zhuhai citycampus) and theCcenter for Chinese Hhistory and Cculture of, the Uuniversity ofMacau.

Theconference had a group photo takengroup photo

Morethan 30 experts and scholars from nearly 20 institutions of higherlearning education including Sun Yyat-sen Uuniversity, JinanUuniversity, Ssouth China Aagricultural Uuniversity, ShenzhenUuniversity, Guangzhou Uuniversity, Hong Kong PpolytechnicUuniversity, Hong Kong Sshue Yyan Uuniversity and the Uuniversity ofMacau attended the seminar. The participants discussed about theissues of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao culture, traditional Chineseculture, university history discipline construction, historyteaching, faculty construction and so on from the perspectives ofregional culture, university discipline tradition, history education,special topic research and talent training.

Agroup photo of the school

Mr.Our Liu Hongbin, the party secretary and , Xiao Hua, the deputysecretary, XiaoHua, professor, Pprofessor He Fangyao, Professor NiGen jingold, Professor Zhong HaiyYan professor, Aassociate Pprofessorof Lei Jing a line to attended the meeting, and gave speechesrespectively by the on "the revitalization of the rural cultureand bear the mission of agricultural colleges and universities","Chinese excellent traditional culture practice educationplatform, south China agricultural university, the eagle percussion","south China agricultural university, the development of historyand discipline construction thinking" and "maritime silkroad culture exchange history resources and large bay area historycommon discourse system of building", "Cantonese as animportant problem of the protection and inheritance of traditionalculture of lingnan" as the theme to speak., It aroused a hHeateddiscussion was aroused among the participants. Prof. Ni Genjin, Prof.He Ffangyao and Prof. Wang Hhaiyan chaired hosted three separatepanel discussions respectively. According to the schedule of themeeting, the meetings were held at the conference room of theDepartment of History at the school visited the Zhuhai campus of SunYyat-sen Uuniversity., the history department (Zhuhai) and thereference room.

Visitingthe reference room of the Ddepartment of Hhistory on Zhuhai campus(zhuhai), sun yat-sen university

Visitingthe department of of the Department of History on Zhuhai campus

history,Zhuhai campus, Sun yat-sen university (Zhuhai)

Mr.Liu Hongbin, the secretary, also participated in the ChineseLlanguage and Lliterature  Summitdiscipline during the constructionof "double top" peak BBS, sponsored by the department ofSun Yyat-sen Uuniversity (Zhuhai), the Uuniversity of Macau, FudanUuniversity, Sichuan Uuniversity, Wuhan Uuniversity, NanjingUuniversity, Rrenmin Uuniversity of China, Nankai Uuniversity andother colleges and universities. Mmore than 20 experts and scholars,faculty deans participated/participants. In the new era and under thenew situation, the participants held a high-levelin-depth  andhigh-level discussion on how to actively promote the construction ofworld-class universities and disciplines with new ideas and newmeasures. The success ful holding of theof the summit forum willplays an important role in further clarifying the goal orientationand responsibility mission of the "double first-class"construction of Chinese language and literature discipline, andpromoting the academic exchanges and integration between Chinese thedepartments of Chinese language and culture in Chinese universitiesand colleges across the whole country.

Groupphoto of "double first-class" construction summit forum ofChinese language and literature discipline

In this meeting, the teachers and experts from our institute expressedtheir views on many hot heated topics, and the discussion wasfruitful, detailed, and full and efficient, which is of greattheoretical and practical significance for promoting the culturalexchange and discipline development between Guangdong, Hong Kong andMacao, and strengthening the research cooperation among universities.