
Xinsheng• Speaking • Civilization: Mr. Mu Yan, Deputy Director of the National Reading Committee of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association, gave a lecture in our college

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:151


    Onthe afternoon of March 26th, Mr. Mu Yan, the deputy director of theNational Reading Committee of the Chinese Culture PromotionAssociation and the executive vice chairman of the GuangdongProvincial Recitation Association, was invited to visit the Ji YaLecture Hall of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of our school. Alecture entitled "Talking about the art of recitation". Thelecture was presided over by Deputy Secretary Zhou Yanhua of thecollege. Teacher Wu Qi of the Department of Chinese and teachers ofthe counselor attended and listened to the lecture.

SecretaryZhou presided over the lecture

    Atthe beginning of the lecture, the teacher of Muyan started therelationship between recitation and literature. "Reclamationserves literature, but does not depend on literature, so thatrecitation can return to literature." Then Mr. Mu Yan began toelaborate from "Speaking for the heart, voicing the words,giving voice to the voice, and expressing emotion by the voice.""Speech is the voice" must first understand the backgroundof the work, the author's personality experience, the thoughts andemotions of the creation, and whether the work can touch people'shearts. "Sensing emotions with sound" should use voice tocapture people's hearts and convey their emotions. In addition, theteacher of Muyan emphasized the importance of the basic skills ofrecitation art from the three aspects of "character sound,breath, sound". Finally, the teacher of Muyan emphasized that inorder to introduce performances in recitation, you need to use theelements of performances to express the spirit and theme of thearticle. "Any action you have on stage is for a reason."

Mr.Mu Yan

    Inthe lecture, the teacher of Muyan had actively interacted with thescene in the form of scenario simulation many times, encouragingstudents to perform on stage and give guidance on the spot. Mr. MuYan is also playing classic recitation videos on site: "Birdsand People" recited by the language master Yao Xijuan and"Facing the Sea and Blossoming in Spring" recited by XuTao, so that the students can fully appreciate the charm of the artof recitation and win applause .

Muyanteacher interacts with classmates

    Atthe end of the lecture, Deputy Secretary Zhou Yanhua summed up theevent. "Mr. Mu Yan's lecture is like a feast for hearing, abeautiful encounter, and a spiritual enjoyment."


Introductionof Muyan:

    MuYan, whose real name is Hu Gang, deputy director of the NationalReading Committee of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association, amember of the Chinese Poetry Reading Alliance, a mentor of GuangdongYouth Culture and Arts, a winner of the Guangdong Province "MostBeautiful Reading Voice" award, an executive vice president ofthe Guangdong Recitation Association, The founder of Quan MinyueReading Guangdong Reading Branch and the executive chairman of FoshanLanguage and Art Research Association. He has recorded a large numberof poems and essays for Guangdong Radio, Foshan Radio, China OverseasChinese Publishing House, Pacific Audio and Video and major WeChatreading platforms, and has been active for a long time. On theprofessional stage of recitation in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,Shenzhen and other places.