
Our teachers and students went to Zhengzhou to participate in the 13thChina Model United Nations Conference

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:27


    OnOctober 28, 2016, under the leadership of Associate Professor Chen Liand Associate Professor Xu Fang of the Faculty of Law, Zhong Jiaqiand Chen Leru of the Faculty of Law of 2015 went to Zhengzhou toattend the 13th China Model United Nations Conference.


     Thetheme of this conference is "Youth, Peace and Security",with the outstanding contradictions and hot issues facing the currentinternational security situation as the background, a total of fiveEnglish committees, a Chinese committee and a main news center.During the three-day session, more than 500 college studentrepresentatives from 120 well-known universities in the country willsimulate the "diplomats" of various countries, and conductconsultations and discussions in accordance with the UN's proceduresand relevant international standards around six major issues.

    Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon sent a congratulatory letter to the General Assembly:

BanKi-moon congratulatory letter


Huanongin Zhongmo

    Itis understood that the majority of students attending the China ModelCongress are majoring in international relations and English. Manystudents are full of longing for diplomatic work in the future.

    Atthis conference, Huanong sent two classmates, namely Zhong Jiaqi fromthe fourth class of law in 2015, and Chen Leru from the sixth classof law in 2015.

    Inthe Third Committee, as the "Singapore Representative",Zhong Jiaqi took the initiative to participate in the discussion oftopics, promote the progress of the meeting, and activelyparticipated in the discussion and drafting of working documents anddraft resolutions.

ZhongJiaqi's speech

Groupphoto of members

    Asinstructors, Chen Li and Xu Fang participated in the mock UnitedNations instructor meeting held by this conference. Model UnitedNations instructors from universities across the country introducedthe school ’s experience in conducting model United Nationsactivities, spoke enthusiastically about the activities of theUniversity ’s model United Nations activities, and exchanged ideasenthusiastically.

    TeacherXu Fang said: "This is a high-level modular conference carefullyorganized by PLA University of Engineering. Representatives fromvarious schools participating in the conference gave brilliantspeeches. Comments from the members of the Bureau were in place. Theentire modular conference was in order and the progress of theprocedures was quite smooth. In addition, the exchanges between theinstructors of various colleges and universities in this meeting haveallowed us to gain a lot of valuable experience in modellingguidance. I hope that our college ’s modelling activities will becarried out better in the future, with more students participating.This will train me to become an excellent law student with 4C skills(communication, understanding, compromise and cooperation). "

Collegestudents turned into "diplomats"

    ZhongJiaqi is a 2015 law student in our college, and she joined the modelUnited Nations community of the school in high school to participatein modelling activities. In the past, she only participated in theChinese committee and challenged the English committee for the firsttime. For non-English majors and non-international relations majors,it is important to understand the background and diplomatic knowledgein advance. Before the opening of the conference, she usedextra-curricular time to make certain preparations for theconference. "Although I have been in contact with modularassociations since high school, this year's model has reallybenefited me a lot," said Zhong Jiaqi, a classmate. Comparedwith the Chinese Committee, participants in the English Committeewill face an additional barrier-language. Therefore, whether it isthe background of the topic, international agreements, diplomaticrhetoric, or the content mentioned or spoken in the venue,participants need to prepare carefully in advance.

    Althoughthere are many students majoring in English and internationalrelations on the field, and they have a relatively great advantage,the students of the Huanong Law Department are not losing ground. Tofully investigate and understand the political, economic, culturaland other aspects of the country represented, and what measures havebeen proposed on the international occasion to solve the issues inthe agenda, all participants need to investigate further.

    ZhongJiaqi's experience of this event is quite deep: "In thismeeting, through discussion of the topics, I am more familiar withthe operation of the modular association (especially the EnglishCommittee), and made a lot of excellent modular associations acrossthe country. The gap between people of the same age, and at the sametime I have also found the direction and motivation of efforts. "

    Itis reported that the China Model United Nations Conference (CNMUNC,referred to as "Middle Model") is an annual national modelUnited Nations event hosted by the China United Nations Association.It aims to expand the international perspective of young students anddiscuss international hotspots. Influential, simulated UN activitiesthat are closest to the UN meeting process and rules of procedure.Previously, it has been held in Sichuan University, East ChinaUniversity of Science and Technology, National University of DefenseTechnology and other well-known military universities for twelveconsecutive times. The current "Mold" Conference isundertaken by the PLA Information Engineering University. Modellingpresents a different world for non-international relations students.Understand current affairs and international hotspots, look at realissues from different angles, learn to balance and compromise betweeninterests and reality, enhance civic awareness, and improve theability to think. For contemporary college students, activelyparticipating in simulated United Nations activities is conducive totraining communicative ability, enhancing the level of thinking, andshaping leadership temperament.

Wethe people of United Nation, united for a better world

    Inthe coming days, Huanong Humanities and Models Association willcontinue to carry out activities, actively study, and make persistentefforts to cultivate modern students with international vision and 4Ccapabilities.