
Expertsfrom the Research Department of the National Agricultural ExhibitionHall visited our institute

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:20


   "The practical reference significance of China's traditional farmingcivilization experience" consists of five members including thedirector of the Research Department of the National AgriculturalExhibition Hall, Hu Zexue, executive director and deputysecretary-general of the Chinese Agricultural History Society, and XuWangsheng and Fan Rongjing, deputy editors of Ancient and ModernAgriculture. The "Basic Research" research group came toour institute for investigation and interviews on December 3-4.Professor Ni Genjin, Professor Wang Fuchang, Associate Professor ZhaoYanping, and retired teacher Wu Jianxin were invited to participatein this symposium. Dean Yang Nailiang received the visit Expert.

Groupphoto of teachers and research team members


    Theresearch group aims to promote the sustainable development of modernagriculture by excavating and rationally using the fine traditionsand successful experiences of ancient farming civilization. In theforum, the scholars of agricultural history in our college elaboratedon traditional agriculture thinking, agricultural system culture,traditional agricultural technology and the "three rural"issues, food security and food safety, beautiful countryside andleisure agriculture. Office. After the symposium, the experts visitedthe museum preparatory office of our school upon invitation, and hadin-depth exchanges with relevant leaders and experts of our school onthe construction of the museum and introduced some of theirsuccessful experiences.

    Inrecent years, the agricultural history of our academy has investedheavily in agricultural social services. It has reached a number ofcooperation plans with local governments in the Lingnan region andeven national agricultural research institutions, and has madeprogress at different levels in academic exchanges and socialpractice.