
Teacher of Agricultural History Institute went to America to participate in international academic conference

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:22


   On October 17-23, 2016, at the invitation of the Purdue UniversityDepartment of History in the United States, Professor Ni Genjin andProfessor Wei Luling, Director of the Chinese Academy of AgriculturalHistorical Heritage, attended the first The 2nd PNJCCS (Purdue-NanongChina Research Joint Forum). The theme of this forum is: Economic andSocial Transformation in Modern China. A total of more than 40experts and scholars from nine universities in China and tenuniversities and research institutions in the United Statesparticipated.

ProfessorDouglas Hutt, the director of Purdue University ’s historydepartment, took a group photo with the Chinese scholars attendingthe meeting in front of the founder of the university

   Onthe 17th, the opening ceremony of the forum was chaired by ProfessorDouglas Hutt, director of the Purdue University History Department.The deputy dean of Purdue University School of Arts, dean ofConfucius Institute, director of China Center for Religious andSocial Studies and director of Asian Studies Office made speechesrespectively. The academic reports were held in six branch venues.The report title of Professor Ni Genjin is "Dr. Feng Rui and theDingxian Rural Construction Movement", and the report title ofProfessor Wei Luling is "Research on Zhang Wanzhong's PigeonClassic". And had extensive and in-depth exchanges with theparticipants. The conference papers will be assembled and published.

ProfessorNi Genjin gives an academic report

ProfessorWei Luling giving an academic report

   Duringthe meeting, Purdue University also organized scholars from China tovisit the school's historical buildings, and asked the teachers ofthe school's history museum to tell the history of the school'sdevelopment, especially the origin and development of PurdueUniversity's agricultural major, and the contributions of outstandingalumni. Organized inspections of Wind Farm and Purdue Farm, theformer showed the modernized cattle industry in the United States;the latter through the field lectures of Purdue Universityagricultural professors, showing the history of North America'snatural environment and agricultural development.

Listento local professors on the rise and development history of NorthAmerican agriculture at Purdue University Farm