
Teachers and students of the Institute of Agricultural History went to Lu to attend the 9th International Conference on Chinese Agricultural SaintCulture

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:21


    FromApril 21st to 23rd, 2018, the 9th International Symposium on ChineseAgricultural Sacred Culture was held in Shouguang, Weifang, Shandong.Professor Ni Genjin, the director of the Institute of AgriculturalHistory of our college, teacher Yu Gege and master student Nie Ruiwere invited to attend.

    Theseminar was organized by the Organizing Committee of China(Shouguang) International Vegetable Science and Technology Expo,Weifang Institute of Science and Technology, Nongsheng CultureResearch Center, Jia Sixie Agricultural College, Shouguang QiminYaoshu Research Society, our institute and Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity Chinese Agricultural Civilization Research Co-organized bythe Institute, the Chinese Agricultural History and Culture ResearchCenter of Northwest A & F University. From Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity, Northwest A & F University, South China AgriculturalUniversity, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, ShandongUniversity, Zhengzhou University, Warwick University, CaliforniaState University, Gangwon National University, Trinidad and TobagoWest More than 70 experts and scholars from 33 universities andresearch institutes at home and abroad including Indian University,Qingdao University, Shandong Agricultural University, ShenyangAgricultural University, Weifang University of Science andTechnology, China Agricultural Museum, and Agricultural ResearchCenter of the Ministry of Agriculture attended the meeting. ProfessorYin Weilun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering andformer president of Beijing Agricultural University, and Professor LiTianlai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vicepresident of Shenyang Agricultural University also attended themeeting.


    Thetheme of the seminar is "Promoting the culture of agriculturalsage and developing modern ecological agriculture". At theopening ceremony of the conference, Dr. Wei Qi, Secretary of theParty Group of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the ChineseAgricultural History Society, and Shouguang Municipal Party CommitteeMember and Deputy Mayor Yao Qingxiao, all delivered speeches.Principal Li Changwu of Weifang University of Science and Technologyissued a letter of appointment for the experts hired by NongshengCulture Research Center, and Professor Ni Genjin of our institute washired as a special researcher of Nongsheng Culture Research Center.After the opening ceremony, Professor Ni Genjin gave a conferencetheme report entitled "Historical Changes and Value Excavationof Hainan Mountain Blue Rice Planting" around the theme of theconference.

SpecialResearch Fellow Appointment Ceremony

ProfessorNi Genjin's conference made a report

Atthe sub-meeting of "Rejuvenation and Innovation of NongshengCulture and Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture", Teacher YuGege and Nie Rui respectively presented conference papers "QiMin Yaoshu" and "Early Avoidance of Early Phases","Amnesia and Cultural Memory "Reconstruction-The Evolutionof Shatian Pomelo's Origin Theory" caused a heated discussionamong the participating scholars.

TeacherYu Gege gave an academic report

NieRui Postgraduate Thesis Report

Attenda symposium on agricultural culture in Shandong AgriculturalExhibition Hall

Duringthe meeting, the experts and scholars visited the 18th China(Shouguang) International Vegetable Science and Technology Expo andthe Weifang Institute of Science and Technology, and inspected thelatest development achievements of Shouguang's modern agriculturalscience and technology and the science and education achievements ofthe college. Professor Ni Genjin was also invited to attend thesymposium on agricultural culture display in Shandong AgriculturalExhibition Hall and agricultural theme theme display in WeifangUniversity of Science and Technology, and expressed constructiveopinions on the theme, content and design of the two exhibitionstogether with Professor Wang Siming, Fan Zhimin and Wei Qi .