
Teachers of the Institute of Agricultural History attended the 60th Anniversary Seminar of the Institute of Scientific History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:20


    FromDecember 24 to 26, the "Mission and Practice of Chinese Scienceand Technology Historians-Academic Symposium to Commemorate the 60thAnniversary of the Establishment of the Chinese Academy of SciencesHistory Research Institute" hosted by the Institute of NaturalScience History, Chinese Academy of Sciences More than 200 experts,scholars and graduate students from universities and researchinstitutes of history attended the event. Professor Ni Genjin,director of the Institute of Agricultural History, associateprofessor Zhao Yanping, associate professors, and professors WeiLuling, Yang Pinyou, and other delegations attended the meeting. .

Teachersof history of science and technology


ProfessorNi Genjin gave a report on the conference

Groupphoto of agricultural history experts attending the meeting

    OnJanuary 7, 1957, the Institute of History of Natural Sciences of theChinese Academy of Sciences was established. In order to commemoratethe 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute, whileconducting academic seminars on the history of science andtechnology, the Institute of History of Natural Sciences held thismeeting. In the two and a half days of discussion, the participatingscholars remembered the pioneering work done by the senior scholarsof science and technology history such as Qian Wencong, Li Yan, QianLinzhao, Wan Guoding, and recalled the years and brilliantachievements of the history of science and technology. There was astrong response from everyone. In the academic discussion session,the conference was divided into topics such as science and technologyhistorians and history, science and technology history review andprospect, metallurgy history, weights and measures history, agronomyhistory and other topics. Experts and scholars conducted in-depthexchanges on the above topics. Professor Ni Genjin presided over theconference discussion and gave an academic report. His report titled"Common Mission-Zhu Kezhen and Liang Jiamian's IntercourseTest". He used the collected documents such as correspondencebetween the two people to show the two under the special environmentof the last century. The efforts and dedication of a senior scholarin the history of science and technology to protect scientificliterature and develop a research institution for the history ofscience and technology have won the approval and recognition of theparticipating scholars.