
Agricultural History Teachers Participate in the 8th "East Asian Archaeological Society" International Academic Conference

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:18


FromJune 8th to 11th, 2018, the Eighth International Conference of theSociety for East Asian Archaeology (The Eighth Worldwide Conferenceof the Society for East Asian Archaeology) was held at the XianlinCampus of Nanjing University. The conference was hosted by NanjingUniversity and the East Asian Archaeological Society (SEAA). Morethan 400 archaeologists and students from all over the world attendedthe conference. Our teacher Dr. Yu Gege was invited to participate inthe conference.

Figure1 Opening Ceremony

Presidentof Nanjing University Lu Jian, Chairman of the East AsianArchaeological Society, Professor Francis Allard of IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Deputy Director of the StateAdministration of Cultural Heritage Liu Shuguang, Member of theChinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chairman of the ChineseArchaeological Society Wang Wei, Dean of the School of History andCulture of Shandong University Fang Hui, Professor He Yunao of theSchool of History of Nanjing University, and Zhang Sheng, Dean of theSchool of History of Nanjing University attended the opening ceremonyand delivered speeches. The opening ceremony was presided over byZhang Liangren, a professor at the School of History of NanjingUniversity.

Afterthe opening ceremony, enter the keynote speech. The conferencespecially invited famous British archaeologists, Professor JessicaRawson of Oxford University, Professor Yifu Miyamoto of KyushuUniversity, Researcher Fang Qin, Director of Hubei ProvincialInstitute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, and Cultural RelicsArchaeological Research of Zhejiang Researcher Liu Bin gave a keynotespeech. From the afternoon of the 8th, the conference entered aspecial discussion session. The conference focused on regional hottopics such as agricultural origin, luxury production, nomadicmigration and integration, regional interaction and Silk Roadexchange. A total of 36 discussion topics were set up and shared. Thelatest research results explore the past and future of archaeology inEast Asia.

Figure2 Group photo

TeacherYu Gege participated in the discussion topic entitled "Geomancy,Topography, and Landscape: Alternative Perspectives on Tomb BurialPractice in the Tang-Song Transition", and submitted and readout the conference paper "The Influence of Geomancy Principleson the Selection Methods of Tombs" in the Song Dynasty ",which caused a heated discussion among the participants.

Figure3 Conference Report


Graphic/ Yuege