
Professor Shen Zhizhong from Nanjing Agricultural University came to our school to give an academic lecture on agricultural history

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:24


Onthe morning of May 27, Professor Shen Zhizhong, a doctoral tutor ofthe Chinese Academy of Agricultural Civilization and an associateeditor of "Chinese Agricultural History" of NanjingAgricultural University, was invited to give a lecture entitled"Oracle and Shang Agriculture" This is the third lecture ofa series of agricultural history academic salons. Professor NiGenjin, Director of the Institute of Agricultural History, AssociateDirectors Wang Fuchang, Associate Professor Zhao Yanping, ProfessorWei Luling, Associate Professor Zhao Fei, Associate Professor YangXiaowei, Teacher Yu Gege, as well as graduates of science andtechnology history and undergraduate history also participatedAcademic exchange activities, lectures are chaired by Professor WangFuchang.

Academicsalon scene

ProfessorShen Zhizhong has been engaged in the research of agriculturalarchaeology for many years. This lecture started from the discoveryand early research of oracle bones, the excavation of Yinxu andoracle bone research, and the agriculture of Shang Dynasty seen inoracle bone inscriptions. Professor Shen combined the graphics andtexts and combed the history of the discovery and research of oraclebones in detail, introduced the relevant research results ofimportant oracle bone researchers Sun Yerang, Luo Zhenyu, DongZuobin, Wang Guowei, Guo Moruo and others, and interpreted thequotients reflected in the oracle bone inscriptions Information onmodern agriculture, including agricultural tools, crop cultivation,gardens, animal husbandry, phenology calendar, etc. For example, in"Shuowen Jiezi · Tianbe": "Planting Vegetables andGardens, Trees and Fruits Gardens", from the perspective ofOracle, the lower part is a large number of square vegetable fields,and the upper minister has two seedlings. The original meaning of theword is a garden for growing vegetables and fruits.

ProfessorShen Zhizhong's Interpretation of Oracle

ProfessorShen Zhizhong's speech aroused the audience's strong interest inOracle. The teachers and students had a lively academic interactionwith the presenter on the report content. After the lecture,Professor Shen Zhizhong participated in the defense of the academicthesis of the 2018 Master of Science and Technology History in ourcollege as a respondent.

ProfessorShen Zhizhong took a group photo with teachers of the AgriculturalHistory Institute

Introductionof Professor Shen Zhizhong: Professor and PhD supervisor of theChinese Academy of Agricultural Civilization, Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity, deputy editor-in-chief of Chinese Agricultural History,executive director of the Chinese Agricultural History Society,executive director of the Jiangsu Agricultural History ResearchAssociation He was selected as the outstanding backbone teacher ofNanjing Agricultural University and the young and middle-agedacademic leader of the "Blue and Blue Project" in JiangsuProvince. His research interests include agricultural archaeology,the protection of agricultural cultural heritage and the history ofSino-foreign agricultural scientific and technological exchanges.

(Text/ Lin Shuting Picture / Li Luyan NieRui)