
Professor Wu Hongqi from Jinan University came to our school to give anacademic lecture

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:10


On the afternoon of June 14, 2018, Professor Wu Hongqi, director of theResearch Center of Historical Geography of Jinan University and vicechairman of the Guangdong Historical Geography Research Institute,was invited to give an academic lecture on the theme of"Characteristics, Values andUtilization of Traditional Local Chronicle Maps" This lecture ishosted by the School's Humanities and Social Sciences Division,School of Humanities and Law, and undertaken by the ChinaAgricultural Historical Heritage Research Institute. It is the fourthlecture of the Agricultural History Research Academic Salon.Professor Ni Genjin, Director of the Institute of AgriculturalHistory, Deputy Directors Professor Wang Fuchang and AssociateProfessor Zhao Yanping, as well as Professor Wei Luling, Lecturer YuGege, Teacher Tang Yi, and graduate students from our school andundergraduates from the Department of History attended academiclectures. The lecture was presided over by Associate Professor ZhaoYanping.


ProfessorWu Hongqi gave a lecture

ProfessorWu Hongqi studied under the famous historical geography expert Mr.Shi Nianhai. He has been engaged in the research and teaching ofhistorical geography for a long time. Among them, he has in-depthresearch on agricultural historical geography in the Yuan Dynasty. Asan indispensable part of the ancient local chronicles, traditionallocal chronicles maps have important scientific and humanisticvalues. According to the research of Professor Wu, the total numberof maps in the local chronicles of the whole country should exceed100,000, their number, content and variety It is more complicatedthan people think. This lecture mainly focuses on thecharacteristics, value and utilization of traditional local maps fromfive aspects. First of all, it is pointed out that in addition to thebasic characteristics of traditional Chinese maps, traditional localmaps also show some special characteristics. Secondly, it focuses onits characteristics and values: (1) Take into account the scientificvalue and humanistic value of local maps, and actively carry outresearch from multiple perspectives; (2) pay attention to thecomprehensive characteristics of local map information and strengthenthe interactive research between elements; It requires bothdiachronic research and regional difference research; (4) understandthe limitations of historical records of local records and payattention to the mutual evidence of multiple historical materials.Finally, according to the case study of historical geography inMacao, the research method and experience of comprehensiveutilization of map historical materials are introduced.

AfterProf. Wu's explanation, Prof. Wang Fuchang commented on the lecturebased on his own research experience. He praised Prof. Wu's lectureas very enlightening and provided ideas for academic research.


Inthe last interactive session, Professor Wu Hongqi and teachers andstudents conducted in-depth communication and exchanges on the use oflocal maps. Professor Wu Hongqi's lecture was lively and humorous,with rich content and broad horizons, which inspired students toactively discuss and participate.

(Text/ Wu Ying picture / Li Luyan)


Attachment:Introduction to Professor Wu Hongqi

WuHongqi, born in 1964, is from Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. In 1991,he obtained a doctorate in history from Shaanxi Normal University. In2000, he was selected into the cross-century talent training program(Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Ministry of Education. He iscurrently the director, professor and doctoral supervisor of theHistorical Geography Research Center of Jinan University. He is alsothe vice chairman of the Guangdong Historical Geography ResearchAssociation, the executive director of the Chinese Ancient CapitalSociety, the member of the Professional Committee of HistoricalGeography of the Chinese Geographic Society, and the editorial boardof the Chinese Historical Geography Theory Series. , "Historicalgeography" editorial board. He has long been engaged inscientific research and teaching of historical geography andecological environment changes. In recent years, he has focused onacademic research in the fields of Lingnan historical geography,Macao historical geography, and overseas Chinese historicalgeography. He has published "Yuan Dynasty AgriculturalGeography" and "Xi'an Historical Geography"."Research", "Historical Records and ChineseGeography", "Exploration and Practice of HistoricalGeography Methodology", "Research on the Interactionbetween the Urban Development and Ecological Environment of the PearlRiver Delta in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", "Time andSpace Interwoven Vision: A Study of Historical Geography in Macao",etc. Many, published nearly 200 academic papers in academic journalssuch as "Chinese History Research", "Xinhua Digest","Chinese History and Geography Theory Collection", "MacaoResearch", "Overseas Chinese History Research".