
Huatu Education Guangdong Province Examination Examination Situation Analysis Lecture

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:10


  At7pm on March 6th, our school invited the teacher of Zhanbiao of HuatuEducation to conduct the 2017 Guangdong Province ExaminationExamination Analysis Seminar on South China Agricultural UniversityStation in Class 101 of the College Building.

TeacherZhan Biao is talking

  Beforethe lecture began, Mr. Zhanbiao emphasized that hard work is moreimportant than choice, and hard work can make people seize theopportunity, which made the students present with great emotion. Theindependent teacher made a comprehensive interpretation of theGuangdong Provincial Examination Announcement and its outline,carefully analyzed the content of the provincial examination inrecent years, the changes in the question type and the difficulty,and emphasized the grasp of the written test, mastered theadvantages, and controlled the time.


  Atthe end of the lecture, Mr. Zhanbiao gave the students registrationand preparation guidance. In the application guidance, Mr. Zhanbiaoput forward a number of job application skills, so that the studentson the scene are more confident to prepare for the provincialexamination. And in the preparation guidance, the independent teacheremphasized that it should be based on the foundation, supplemented bydifficult problems, and provided relevant and effective preparationmethods. Teacher Du believes that only effective preparation for theexam can do more with less. In addition, the independent teacherencourages students of all majors present to achieve satisfactoryresults.

  Thelecture benefited the students present, had a clearer and moreaccurate understanding of the provincial examination, a betterunderstanding of the test site, and a further view of the choice ofcareer. The reference materials distributed before the lectureprovided help to the students present and helped the candidatesachieve good results in the 2017 provincial examination.