TanYanwen, deputy director of Guangdong Rural Policy Research Center,led a team to communicate with the Institute of Agricultural History
Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:29
OnApril 28th, the deputy director of Guangdong Rural Policy ResearchCenter, the executive deputy director of the Rural DevelopmentStrategy Research Institute of South China Agricultural University,the director of the Industrial Economics Office of the NationalCassava Industry Technology System, and Professor Zhu Yanwen, a PearlRiver scholar, led a team of four to our institute. HistoricalHeritage Institute Exchange. Director Ni Genjin presided over thesymposium, and deputy director Professor Wang Fuchang, associateprofessor Zhao Yanping and teacher Yang Liu participated in thesymposium.
1.Discussion site
Atthe symposium, Professor Ni Genjin briefly introduced the developmenthistory, staffing, and past and current key research directions ofthe China Agricultural Historical Heritage Research Institute.Professor Tan Yanwen said that he did not come to know the value ofthe Agricultural History Institute and expressed the hope that thefuture center will strengthen cooperation with the research instituteon rural revitalization and jointly promote the work of the SchoolRural Revitalization Strategy Research Institute. Subsequently, thetwo sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on ruralsocial governance, traditional farming civilization and agriculturalcultural heritage, especially the research on the development historyof cassava industry in South China, and reached an agreement on therecent cooperation research on the development history of cassavaindustry in South China.
2.Professor Tan Yanwen watched precious cassava documents
3.Group Photo
Afterthe discussion, Professor Ni Genjin, Professor Wang Fuchang,Associate Professor Zhao Yanping and Teacher Yang Liu accompaniedProfessor Tan Yanwen's team to visit the special collection libraryof the Agricultural History Institute, including some preciouscassava documents. This exchange strengthened the understandingbetween the Agricultural History Institute and the Guangdong RuralPolicy Research Center and laid the foundation for the cooperationbetween the two sides.