
Dongguan CPPCC and Guancheng District Library donated books to theAgricultural History Institute of our college

Author:Source:人文与法学学院英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:10


On March 8, the spring was full of vitality. A group of 9 people fromthe Dongguan Municipal Political Consultative Conference and theGuancheng District Library drove to our school under the leadershipof the former vice chairman of the Dongguan Political ConsultativeConference Zhu Wukun and donated books to the China AgriculturalHistorical Heritage Research Institute and the school library.

Bookdonation ceremony venue

DirectorNi Genjin presided over the donation ceremony

PresidentYang Nailiang delivered a welcome speech

Alumniand old Chairman Zhu Wukun recalled his relationship with his almamater for more than 30 years

PresidentYang Nailiang accepted the donated book on behalf of the Institute ofAgricultural History

    At10 o'clock, the donation ceremony was held in the conference room ofthe China Agricultural Historical Heritage Research Institute. ZhuWukun, former vice chairman of the Dongguan CPPCC, Li Bingqiu,director of the CPPCC Literary and Historical Committee, Zeng Yanfen,deputy director of the Library of Guancheng District, and YangNailiang, dean of the School of Humanities and Law, Ni Genjin,director of the China Agricultural Historical Heritage ResearchInstitute, and Yao Hongbing, deputy director of the school library Atotal of 30 teachers, graduate students from the Agricultural HistoryInstitute, the Department of History and the Library attended thedonation ceremony. The donation ceremony was presided over byProfessor Ni Genjin. Dean Yang Nailiang and Deputy Curator YaoHongbing respectively expressed their sincere thanks to the DongguanPolitical Consultative Conference and Guancheng Library for donatinghumanistic and social science books with local characteristics, andaccepted on behalf of the Agricultural History Institute and thelibrary. Donate books. At the donation ceremony, Chairman Zhu Wukunrecalled the friendship between teachers and students when Huanongwas studying more than 30 years ago. Director Li Bingqiu taught thefriendship and cooperation between the Cultural and History Committeeof the Dongguan CPPCC and the Agricultural History Institute for manyyears.

Booksdonated by Dongguan CPPCC and Guancheng Library

    Thebooks donated by Dongguan CPPCC include "Dongguan Scholars andHumanities", "Dongguan Maps", "Dongguan People'sBooks", and other books of humanities and social sciences,totaling more than 260 volumes. Donated by the library of GuanchengDistrict, there are more than 100 volumes of "Book Series ofDongguan History", "Millennium Culture of Guancheng"and "Collection of Dongguan Local Documents and DongguanScholars". These books have important reference value forstudying the local social history of Dongguan.

Guestsfrom Dongguan visit ancient books collected by the AgriculturalHistory Institute

    Afterthe donation ceremony, the guests from Dongguan visited the ancientbooks collected by the Agricultural History Institute with greatinterest, and visited the beautiful Bauhinia campus of our schoolwith great interest. The Cultural Committee of the Dongguan MunicipalPeople's Political Consultative Conference also reached an agreementwith the Agricultural History Research Institute to hold a nationalseminar on the history of Chinese tea at the end of this year.